How to be a good interviewer and conduct effective interviews

Time: 4 Minutes

As a hiring manager or recruiter, finding the right talent for your company is essential for achieving your business goals. And to do that, you need to be a good interviewer. Mastering the art of interviewing can give you insight into a candidate’s skills, aspirations, and the unique value they can bring to your team. With the right interview skills, you can identify the ideal candidate who will help you achieve your business goals.

How important it is to be a good interviewer

In today’s competitive business world, being a good interviewer is indispensable. Not only does it help you identify the right talent for the job, but it also shows that you value the time and insights of candidates. Additionally, it helps you pitch your company to potential candidates and leave a positive image, even if they don’t end up getting the job.

So, if you want to improve your interviewing skills, here are some tips to consider:

Start with small talk

The best interviewers always start the interviewing process with small talk. They develop a connection with candidates to help them feel comfortable opening up and sharing valuable information about themselves.


If you’re new to interviewing or want to improve your skills, practice with co-workers and ask for honest feedback to help you develop as a good interviewer.

Extend professional courtesies

Candidates may be nervous at the beginning of the interview, so offering them a glass of water or a cup of tea can be a nice touch.

Review the CV and portfolio

Reviewing the candidate’s CV and portfolio before the interview refreshes your memory about the candidate and helps you to come up with more focused questions.

Ask open-ended questions

Asking open-ended questions encourages candidates to explain their points, giving you more insight into their skills and experiences. Make sure to give the candidate time to answer completely if you ask open-ended questions.

Choose questions carefully

Prepare a list of questions that are tailored to the specific role you’re looking to fill. Behavioral and situational questions can help you assess soft skills, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking.

Make it structured

Organize the structure of your interview, allotting time for important topics like work background, interest in the role and company, and how they approach teamwork and workplace disputes.

Develop a standard rating system

A standard rating system helps you judge each candidate using the same criteria, making it easier to compare and decide who’s the best fit for the role.

Active listening

Focus entirely on the candidate when they’re speaking to fully understand their points and ask follow-up questions later. Aim to listen more during the interview so you can gather as much information as possible.

Take notes

Taking notes during the interview shows that you’re actively listening to the candidate and helps you ask quality questions later without interrupting their thought flow. It also gives you a refresher when making final decisions.

Be aware of nonverbals

Body language and nonverbal communication can speak louder than words. By maintaining eye contact and avoiding fidgeting or crossing your arms, you show candidates that you are attentive and respectful.

Eliminate distractions

Remove any distractions like phone calls, alarms, or unexpected entries by colleagues to help maintain focus.

Be ready to answer questions

Be prepared to answer any questions the candidate may have about the company culture, size, and details about the role they’re applying for.

End the interview professionally

Let the candidate know about the next steps in the hiring process, when they can expect to hear back from you, and if you need them to send more information. Walking them around the office and introducing them to colleagues can also be a nice touch.

Follow Up

Let candidates know whether they got the job or not. This helps build a positive image of your company and gives the interview process closure to both sides.

Date: December 11, 2022

